Some Environmental Documentaries You Must Hear About

By Alyce Powell

You should know that there are probably thousands of environmental documentaries but there are some that would hurt not to know. The environment is important to ensure that all people lead healthy lives therefore making all people be party to reading these example. You do not have to like the environment to read this but you are likely to change that thought the moment that you hear about these.

The Cove documentary tries to explain how the dolphins are being hunted by the Japanese and how they catch thousands. This is often refereed to the mass action killing of the fish and this film tries to convince people that the dolphins form an important part of the environment therefore should not be hunted in such large numbers. It also goes ahead to educate the public on the risks associated with mercury poisoning of dolphins.

Sustainable development is considered to be the main agenda by Who Killed the Electric Car. This tries to inquire on how the ideas behind designing a car that will rely on electricity for its source of energy quickly vanished. This was considered to be a development that is sustainable since it did not rely on a non renewable resource. The fact that this was completely forgotten inspired this documentary.

Water is another resource that is seen as the likely cause of war in the future. Just like people value oil, there shall come a time when water will be treated the same way. In this documentary, water is seen as a bomb that is just waiting to explode. Among the people who will engage in the fight are the big corporations and other big nations.

The food that is produced by industries is also viewed as contaminated and the operations run by the companies exploitative. These operations exploit both the animals that offer services and the employees that work in the company. The Food Inc views the cheap food that is produced by these companies to come at a price; affecting the health of the users.

Another documentary known as the Gasland studies the effects that a natural gas company caused on people who lands it drilled. The areas that are affected by this include Utah and Colorado among many other places. Among the effects that were experienced include respiratory infections. Generally, these actions affected the quality of the environment.

It is therefore very important that people do whatever it takes so that they make their environment better. You should also understand that animals play a huge role I the environment therefore making each and everyone of them important in a special way.

In general all these environmental documentaries go ahead to explain how the actions of people affect the environment that people stay in. Another thing that you have to note is that not only the environment is affected but the health of people around the areas as well.

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