Using A Discreet Gadget To Trap An Embezzler Publicly

By Gim N Rukas

"Great watch," Raymond commented. It was and he does not realize that this gadget will be the reason for him being terminated at work. I needed evidence to pin this workmate down considering that he was suspected of embezzling company money. Being tense was the only thing I feel now for this task.

Only the other day, our manager ordered a covert spy video camera watch with DVR in order to help me finish the job. Meet Raymond, and slightly bring up the issue of missing funds. His behavior, action as well as body language should provide us an idea, the boss explained.

I had tested the timepiece digital camera with DVR and audio again and again. This is completely ready to record at the push of a switch. In order to watch the video, I only plug it into my personal computer using a USB port, and can see or download the video footage for saving.

The built-in microphone complements the color camera in function. And, of course, the watch on its own tells time to the second. Raymond really had no notion what I had been carrying out. It is amazing just how something very small is capable of recording very clear video footage and sound.

The watch isn't water-resistant so these parts, along with the 4GB built-in disk drive, could readily be damaged if they got drenched. Nevertheless, a cafe is not a pond.

I felt perspiration drip down my back the second I switched the record switch on and steered Raymond into the discussion. The minute I checked the video later, I sounded like someone else that it was definitely scary, but catch Raymond, I did. Beads of perspiration dotted his upper lip and forehead, visibly. He made an effort to dodge my inquiries, formulated on the pretext of asking for help to trap the embezzler. The blockhead, his lies eating at him, actually provided me some very exact details which I had not even raised.

The boss was both happy as well as sad about the result of my surveillance task. And he was quite impressed with the hidden spy video camera watch with DVR, that I needed to return to him regretfully.

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