3 Facts Regarding Android From An App Design Company

By Arthur Williams

Android is one of the most prominent platforms that app design companies should build for. After all, many people have mobile devices that utilize this system, which makes sense for everything from entertainment to education. However, there are many things that are still unknown about Android. Here are just a few things that the aforementioned companies should know about it, so that they can continue to create stellar work.

Andy Rubin, who co-founded Android along with three other people, stated that Android was originally meant to be implemented into digital cameras. The way that this would work is that, with this OS in place, people could share their images online. When Google acquired Android, as we'll go into detail about later, the focus shifted from cameras to mobile devices like smartphones. As the cliche goes, the rest is history.

Next, despite what you may think due to their connection, Google actually didn't create Android. For those that don't know, Android was actually founded in 2003, before Google swooped in two years later so that they could acquire it. It's easy to see why one is associated with the other, but creation was not one of the aspects shared. This is an important piece of history to keep in mind, especially among those that are longtime Android users.

What about some of the statistics that mobile app development specialists can tell you about? You may be interested to know that there are more than 1 billion Android users around the world. In fact, with over 100 languages being supported, it would make sense for this level of global reach to be seen. This operating system's install base continues to grow at an accelerated pace, which is why it's in the best interest of names such as Lounge Lizard to continually focus on it.

There are many operating systems out there, and it's clear as to why Android stands out. Many people use it - even above Apple, in fact - and to say that it's worth developing for would be an understatement. It's one of the most understandable focuses that an app design company will have to keep in place for the long term. The more that they do so, the more people they'll be able to service in the future.

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