Good Study Habits: How To Study Smart And Be Less Distracted In Two Minutes Or Less

By Lachlan Haynes

For those who are engaged in studying, the value of using your study time shrewdly by being super-organized and super-productive is an absolute must.

So what value can you put on an uncomplicated and easy to implement technique that will instantly increase how productive you are? It's priceless isn't it? The only questions you should be asking are "How much time can I save myself" and "What is the technique?"

The technique I'm about to share with you is extremely simple to understand and extremely simple to use - but it could have a significant impact on what you can achieve.

The technique is called the "Two Minute Rule" and it was created by a productivity expert named David Allen (we just thought we should add that in case you thought we created it!) Let's look at how this works.

Whenever an interruption to your study time (or any time that is important to you or your success) occurs you simply ask yourself: "Can I resolve this disruption in two minutes or less?"

If you can address and resolve the interruption in two minutes or less then go for it. Spend two minutes or less immediately taking the action required to handle whatever it is. Take charge and knock the interruption on the head straight away. However, if it can't be handled in two minutes or less then write it down on a to-do list and come back to it later when you have more time to address it.

And that's all there is too it - nothing more and nothing less! Pretty simple isn't it?

Now, this may seem like a very simple solution but don't dismiss the power of using this technique. Often the times when we are trying to get things done can also be the times when we are exposed to many distractions and disruptions. When those distractions (think friends, siblings, after school activities, parents) take us away from our primary focus (like getting a draft of an essay done for example) for longer than a few minutes we can totally lose sight of what we were doing and as a result become far less productive because we constantly have to keep re-focusing.

A major benefit of using this approach is that you deal with distractions and disruptions as they occur and you handle them in record pace (two minutes or less remember!) Because you have made a conscious decision that if you are going to resolve the distraction it must be resolved within two minutes, you have established a focus and an allowable time limit. If the distraction begins to take longer than two minutes to handle, you simply stop and go back to what you were doing (and add it to your to-do list obviously).

A further benefit of this approach is that you won't forget tasks you need to complete and they will either be completed straight away (in two minutes or less of course) or you will have added them to your to-do list.

Simple idea? You bet. Will it increase your productivity and help eliminate distractions? It sure will. Will you become an organizational guru if you use this technique? You just might! When you handle distractions as soon as they arise (either by adding them to a list or taking care of them in two minutes or less) you will find that you start achieving far more in far less time - the essence of productivity. Give it a go for a week, a month and then a year. You will be very surprised by what you can achieve in just two minutes or less!

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