Utilizing Online Marketing Alongside Upcoming "WWE2K14"

By Rob Sutter

I am quite happy to see that "WWE2K14" has been hyped so much as of late because it seems like it could be one of the best wrestling titles of recent memory. When you think about the idea that this game is being published under 2K and not THQ like in previous years, there are certain expectations. Whether or not they will be met truly depends on how workers see them. That being said, I'd like to think that online marketing could bolster the game even further.

Yukes is still going to be control of the game's actual development but I think that there's been more attention given to fan demands now more than ever before. For those who have played such games in the past, you probably have heard about numerous characters being demanded, Ultimate Warrior being one of them. While a legend in the business, to say that he's been at odds with WWE recently would be an understatement. Such a dream seemed unlikely to become realized, you could imagine.

Recently, it was announced that Warrior would appear in the game as a preorder bonus, which sparked conversation amongst the wrestling crowd. A video trailer was shown and it showed an aged yet still intense Warrior cutting a promo that was as eccentric as it was back in the late 80's and early 90's. To some, it came across as strange but others found it either nostalgic or downright hilarious. It showed that those who bought the game were going to have much to look forward to this time around.

Many ideas truly struck me as interesting but what managed to do so more than anything else was how they unveiled the Ultimate Warrior in a showing of online marketing. On Facebook, people who liked the WWE Games page saw that many images were posted, each one depicting a certain part of a wrestler. We were shown an Ultimate Warrior bicep as well as his hair but there was always that lingering doubt. It was able to keep the user base engaged and it's the kind of goal firms like fishbat strive towards.

"WWE2K14" has been nothing short of excellent as far as its advertising is concerned and I think that this was a great way to get fans even more engaged. It's clear that announcing a fan favorite is always going to get a reaction, more preferably a favorable one. It's hard to say, though, whether or not this particular title is going to be able to make strides in terms of sales. Hopefully it will, judging by how much attention this title has gained thus far.

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