Young Rising Star Fabiola Sicily

By Coleen Torres

It is no secret that catching a break in the film industry can be one of the most difficult things to accomplish, even for those with the best training. For most who do get that chance, it is usually a combination of looks, talent, experience, skills, timing and luck that make it actually happen. Fabiola Sicily is a young Eurasian actress who has found her way in and is quickly making her way up the proverbial ladder.

Born to an Indonesian mother and a European father, this Eurasian beauty knew what she was destined to do from a really early age. Raised in Indonesia, she started out entertaining the family by singing and dancing. It was clear to everyone that she enjoyed being in the spotlight and had a natural affinity for performing.

The Indonesia artistic influence was quite beneficial to building her skills and securing her drive. She acted in as many school sponsored plays as possible, honing her talents and gathering a good deal of experience performing on a stage with a full audience in attendance. Every role she was placed in was given her fullest attention and whether it called for comedy, drama, music or dance, she gave it her all.

Though she was extremely driven while living in Indonesia, she and her parents knew that if she were to make a career in her chosen field, she was going to have to leave. Directly after high school, she packed up and relocated to Los Angeles, California where things started falling into place. Her family stood behind her decisions and gave her their full support.

The first thing she did after settling in Los Angeles was to enroll herself in The American Academy of Dramatic Arts. During her time at this school she was extremely dedicated to perfecting her skills and took every opportunity to improver her performances. She successfully graduated with high Honors and a top of the class ranking.

The search for work began and fortunately, this fresh faced actress had a lot of advantages working in her favor. Her mixed heritage gives her an exotic look that has enough versatility in it that she is able to play a variety of ethnic roles. This uniquely charming, yet alluring beauty combined with her talents of singing, dancing, modeling and acting makes her a very well rounded performer.

Her beauty landed her quite a few modeling spots in music videos for several major recording artists such as Mick Jagger. Her vocal talents found her roles in multiple musical stage plays and as a voice over actress in a historical drama. She has danced professionally and made online clips demonstrating her ability to perform both hip hop and modern dance moves effortlessly.

Her big break came when she landed a key role in the Disney movie, Prom. This lead to a frequently recurring role on one of their top television series and gave an impressive boost to her resume', helping her win several film jobs as a key supporting character. This amazing young woman is quickly making a name for herself in one of the toughest fields of entertainment.

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