Free Public Arrest Records Online Search

By Claire Dowell

Individuals who have violated the state or national laws would be issued an arrest record. These are given by different branches of the government that enforces the law such as the highway patrol group, police department or the office of the sheriff. Florida arrest records are considered as an open document which means that any resident of the state can request for a copy of their arrest record anytime.

Requesting for an arrest record in the state of Florida would mean obtaining information about an individual's arrest. An arrest record would contain information about when and where the arrest was done. One would also know how the arrest was conducted whether the person was placed in custody willingly or with force. This is visible through the notes of the officer who was in charge of the arrest.

Arrest records are important documents that the residents of Florida regularly request. It is used for a number of reasons. One of the primary uses of such document is for background check. Employers are among the top group of people who access such files. They check on the identity of their people and potential applicant through the said records. With this, they would be able to identify people who has a criminal history and can avoid hiring them. Ordinary residents of the state also want to make sure that they are living in a safe environment with people they can rely on. This is why they check on the arrest records of their neighbors, friends, nannies and even relatives. By doing so, they can feel secured and worry less about their safety. Another good use of such documents is for investigation purposes done by local authorities and investigators. They refer to such document to aid them in their investigation.

The downside of making such document open to the public is that, those who had previous arrest would not be able to get a decent job. Company owners now prefer to hire those who have clean criminal history. They wish to avoid problems in the workplace that are caused by such people. Those who have been arrested for a crime before are easily discriminated and looked down by others. This can be avoided by requesting the state court to expunge the arrest records. This means that the criminal record of an individual is sealed thus nobody would know that such person has committed a crime. However, to expunge a record means spending a lot of your time in appealing to do so and also the willingness to spend money since it may be costly depending on the reason and request.

The office of the Criminal Justice Information Services is where all the criminal records of Florida are being kept. This includes the arrest records of the state. One can go to the office and file the request personally. A mail request can also be sent to the mailing address of the said office. When doing the mail request, the requirements should be enclosed on the envelope to prevent issues in the request. The payment has to be sent as well in the form of the money order or check payment. Doing the search online is now possible.

An arrest search can be done through the Internet. This method is the favorite choice of the residents of Florida because it is convenient and fast. It has eliminated the need to go to the state office and wait on queue since the request can be filed even without leaving one's home.

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