How To Build Page Descriptions For Long Island SEO

By Robert Sutter

When you perform a Google search, there will be different pieces of information you'll uncover. One of the most noticeable, especially to those who consider themselves Long Island SEO specialists, is the page description for each result. These descriptions matter for a number of reasons, whether you might have believed it or not. For those who'd like to know why these elements truly matter, here are a few key points that you should go over.

If you'd like to know why page descriptions are important for Long Island SEO purposes, keywords should be examined first. There are many companies that tend to focus on certain terms over the course of time, mainly for the purpose of ranking on Google. This is why descriptions are tailored with care, since they can include such keywords. What this can result in, courtesy of the work provided by authorities like, are higher rankings.

There's also the matter of length that can help make page descriptions nothing short of effective. Keep in mind that the best ones are kept short in length, since this will give potential visitors the basic information they need before they click. Make your descriptions overly extensive, though, and you run the risk of pushing them away. By keeping yours within the 150-character range, success will be on the horizon.

Finally, if you have the means to do so, include some kind of call-to-action or offer that your audience might find appealing. Let's say that you're running a video streaming service that people can subscribe to on a monthly basis. Perhaps you can end your page description with, "free 30-day trial," so that people might be more inclined to click. This is another great way to keep your descriptions effective, as they will generate results over the course of time.

If you'd like to know why page descriptions matter, these are just a few reasons worth considering. Not only do they exist for the benefit of the average Internet user, but they can help a number of businesses from a Long Island SEO perspective as well. Without these descriptions, your work will not see the kind of success that you'd like. Needless to say, if you didn't think that these descriptions had an influence, you would be mistaken.

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