Now Is The Time For All Businesses To Adopt Collaborative Technology Solutions

By Diane Barnes

The demand for enhanced intelligence in the commercial arena has never been more intense. So while email has for long been the communication platform of choice, it's only a matter of time before it gets dethroned by collaborative technology solutions. Although the former's limitations have played a significant role in this trend, the shift has mostly been triggered by the benefits that networking technology has to offer.

A fully-networked organization provides an incentive for individuals to become more invested in one another. People don't just push information back and forth all day long. Rather, the ability to communicate instantly allows individuals who were previously isolated to check on each other more often. Added up, such sentimental links equate to greater unit and a more effective team.

Balancing the separation of roles across teams with the objectives they all share in common is virtually impossible without an open and communicative framework. It's worth highlighting that email isn't built for such levels of collaboration. Its use is more likely to create confusion that is to allow quick decision-making. A collaboration platform is much more effective in this regard, thanks to the notification functions that come integrated as standard.

With a collaboration portal in place, managing documents and resources becomes a seamless process. Once they are uploaded to the system, files can be stored in whatever fashion one prefers. More noteworthy is the ease of retrieval that comes as a result of centralized storage. Additionally, opting for a cloud-hosted platform will all but guarantee you of unlimited space and bandwidth.

Email is an inherently closed system where access to the information held in one account is limited to its owner. From an company-wide perspective, this is a bottleneck preventing the flow of intellectual capital within or, worse, a potential silo where it will be forever locked up when the said individual leaves. In contrast, enterprise networking allows access to all but unauthorized parties. It also prevents losses that might result from staff turnover.

With a networking portal in place, employees will have access to workflows from anywhere, at any time. This flexibility comes in handy even when the workforce isn't dispersed geographically. Why? Studies have shown that most people tend to come up with their best work-related ideas while they are away from the office. Investing in a collaboration platform will thus make your workers' creative abilities more useful to your company.

Communication channels of old no longer cut it when it comes to employee engagement. With millennials rising to become the largest demographic in today's workforce, the need for companies to rethink their approach here has never been more pressing. This means switching to a platform that can convey messages in other ways besides written and spoken word, a description that aptly fits that of enterprise networking.

Leveraging a platform that has customizable templates as standard will greatly boost your project management capacity. This translates to more time spent working towards goals instead of sorting out hiccups. Meeting your customers' expectations will also be easier, particularly if the system you choose has an outside communication channel.

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