Richard Overton, The Celebrated Veteran

By Eloise Hewitt

Richard was born in 1906 and is the oldest surviving world war 11 veteran and centenarian.After departure from service in the military, Richard Overton established a home in Texas where he has lived since then.

The centenarian remembers the horrors of the war that include seeing his comrades fall in battle. Richard reveals that the horrors of the war remain permanently imprinted in his brain. The veteran also confesses their great joy when they came home temporarily and the difficulty of going back to the battle field. He says it took great courage and sacrifice on their part. However, he is still glad that he joined the military.

Overton has lately been occupied traversing the country. His travels have led to him meeting great and powerful men and women. His dream was fulfilled when he was hosted in the white house by the president of the United States Barrack Obama during the Veterans Day. The president took the opportunity to personally thank the Veteran for his contribution to his country. The president further alluded to the many experiences Overton had gone through in the course of his work, including the attack on the Pearl Harbor.

Uncertainty however has rocked his role in the Pearl Harbor attack. Evidence that he was present during the attack still remains scanty. However information from the president and the US today suggest that Overton was present during the attack on the Harbor.

The veteran came to public limelight when he announced in an interview that he would prefer to spend his memorial smoking and drinking whisky that has been stiffened with coffee. He still appreciates that people would love to do something for him on this day but is categorical that how he would love to spend it. After leaving his job at the military, Richard worked in a furniture shop before joining the state department of treasury.

While receiving recognition for his great service by Austin mayor, Richard advises that people should not spend all their time sited and watching TV, they should get creative and engage in a activity so as to get moving. The mayor described him as an extraordinary gentleman. After celebrating his birthday, The centenarian was flown to visit world war 11 and Martin Luther King Jr Memorial in Washington DC, by Honor Flight . This is an organization that transports for free, veterans to memorials as a unique way of trying to honour and express thanks to these great men and women.

Mr. Overton, despite his age, is able to do what he wants to do; he stands, walks around without a cane, drives a car and generally looks healthy. This is according to him is attributable to active physical life, a baby aspirin and whiskey.

This memorial is however not going to be business as usual for this centenarian . All the friends his friends especially those from his platoon have passed on. The veteran admits that this for a number of times been a source of loneliness since he lacks a person he can talk to like he was used to with them. Richard has had two wives the last one having passed on twenty two years ago and has no children.

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