The Do's And Don'ts Of FAQ Pages For Long Island SEO Success

By Arthur Williams

If you're a business owner, your website should be easy to use. Not only should navigation be a breeze for the average user, but it's equally important for information to be accessible. For reasons such as these, FAQ pages matter. The details that they have to provide is invaluable, not only for educational purposes but the sake of Long Island SEO. Here are a few do's and don'ts that will help you develop your website's own FAQ section.

One of the essential "do's" of FAQ page development involves the utilization of images and text alike. Reputable agencies such as will agree, as users may have to piece certain pictures together in their minds. Text alone may not allow them to do so, which is where high-quality images come into play. Provided they're relevant to the content at hand, you will see that the images in question make a considerable difference.

Next, ensure that there is a hierarchy when it comes to frequently asked questions. For example, a user may want to know what, exactly, a company is; this question should be among the first they see. From there, questions about the company's location, how long they've been in business, and other such facts should follow. When questions are positioned in this way, it makes the FAQ page itself more streamlined, positively influencing SEO in the process.

Now let's discuss the "don'ts" of FAQ page development, starting with a lack of keywords. This can be difficult, as SEO professionals stress against keyword stuffing, as it's become an outdated practice. Instead, focus on incorporating these terms so that they naturally flow with the content itself. If you place a keyword somewhere, and it doesn't make sense in the context of the content, you'd be wise to use it elsewhere.

Lastly, it's vital to keep the language of your FAQ page as general as possible. After all, you want as many people as possible to find the information they need without having to contact you. This is the main reason why this page is created in the first place, so keep any industry jargon by the wayside. It will make your content easier to consume, not to mention more invaluable, which can go a long way from an SEO standpoint as well.

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