Search Engine Optimization Made Simple: Follow These Suggestions

By Hermila Forti

If you're in charge of managing a business website, the most important thing that you need to know to make your site succeed is a technique called search engine optimization. With search engine optimization, your site gets listed higher on search engines, which means more customers. Read on for more!

To achieve optimal search engine presence, encourage visitors to your site to sign up to your RSS feed(s). The more people that sign up to your RSS feed(s), the more your site looks legitimate in the eyes of search engines, and the higher you will appear on search results pages.

Use toils such as Google stats to see which keywords are bringing users to your site. Are there any keywords that aren't getting the hits that you'd expect? These are the keywords that you need to improve. Make sure you've entered them as keywords in your page header, be sure that they are thoroughly used throughout your site, and perhaps use them in the title of one of your website's pages.

Rather than joining link exchanges, think about working with article exchanges that help you with search engine results. Article exchange is posting a whole article by another owner of a website on your website along with a credit link, and them doing the same thing with an article written by you. This works even better than link exchanges, and of course each of you get fresh content.

If you plan to retire or change your URL try to use a 301 redirect. This code is beneficial. The 404, or "Page Not Found" code can be damaging. A code 301 will tell your various search engines where they should transfer your old URLs search engine results page position to.

Tables are another HTML formatting scheme that wise webmasters should try to avoid when optimizing a website for the search engines. Sometimes tables are indispensable; such as when you need to present complex data. However, table formatting that is used stylistically, or for convenience, should be avoided. Tables are indexed more slowly by search engines, and content in tables is more likely to be overlooked.

It is possible to make any particular page of any website more friendly to search engines by inserting keywords in the URL of those particular pages. If the URL has symbols or numeric characters that people don't usually use to search information, the page will not rank very high. Using essential keywords that are related to your site's content can greatly boost a page's traffic.

Overdoing it with the keywords on your site could get you labeled as a spammer. If you become labeled as a spammer, your site will be overlooked by search engine spiders. They are specifically programmed to ignore the sites that try to stuff as many keywords as possible onto it.

Since the world wide web is full of useless information these days, it is important to take these tips given in the article with importance and not with a grain of salt. Otherwise, you will end up spending more time searching than necessary to find what you are looking for.

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