Can Google+ Usage Be Helped By A Social Media Marketing Coach?

By Rob Sutter

When it comes to some of the biggest networking channels in the world, it seems like Google+ has been overlooked quite a bit. I have to wonder why, especially when you consider all of the features associated with it. Google itself is one of the most recognizable brands in the world, so why hasn't its structure been given enough attention by the masses? One has to wonder why but it's clear that a social media marketing coach can see the usefulness which it is in full possession of.

I think that you should consider the link that the Google brand has to YouTube because it is an important one. After all, just about everyone and their mother goes on YouTube, whether it is for entertainment purposes or for uploading their own content. Just about anyone can potentially make a name for themselves, whether they enjoy creating films, commentaries, or what have you. There's also a tremendous amount of exposure to be considered, so you can be certain people will be able to discover your content.

Google+ is not exactly the most trying site to navigate, especially when you see how streamlined is truly is. After all, the most important part of any website is for anyone to be able to navigate it with little hassle. With this set in place, social media will be able to reach a wide number of people. Even though the Internet is commonly used by a set number of people, why should any brand limit its scope, thereby casting aside potential consumers which they could have attained?

Google+, on the surface, is not a struggling platform as any strong social media marketing coach could cite. After all, keep in mind the site's 100 million user base and how each of these members see the appeal behind it. Circles have become quite popular as well, allowing users to become connected through them. I think that Google+ has been able to carve its own niche, as authorities the likes of S.M.M.C. will be able to agree, but it's clear that it's not mentioned much alongside something like Facebook.

Google+ stands as a strong platform in just about every area except its level of awareness. I believe that the easy-to-use interface is just one of the reasons why this site has become so tremendous but are many of your friends on the site? This is why it's important for the site to gain more awareness, as a social media marketing coach can cite. To say that this particular platform does not possess the detail to become greater is, in my eyes, nothing short of a lie.

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